Top 20 Tracks by Bad Religion1

Exclude tracks from compilations

Rank Name Number of times played
1 ▶️ 📋 Punk Rock Song 45
2 ▶️ 📋 Punk Rock Song [German Version] 36
3 ▶️ 📋 Empty Causes 28
▶️ 📋 The Gray Race 28
4 ▶️ 📋 Ten In 2010 27
5 ▶️ 📋 The Streets Of America 26
6 ▶️ 📋 Angels We Have Heard On High 25
7 ▶️ 📋 White Christmas 22
8 ▶️ 📋 O Come, All Ye Faithful 21
9 ▶️ 📋 God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 20
▶️ 📋 Hark! The Herald Angel Sing 20
▶️ 📋 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel 20
▶️ 📋 The Little Drummer Boy 20
10 ▶️ 📋 American Jesus [Andy Wallace Mix] 19
▶️ 📋 What Child Is This? 19
11 ▶️ 📋 Raise Your Voice! 18
12 ▶️ 📋 21st Century (Digital Boy) 17
13 ▶️ 📋 Father Christmas 15
▶️ 📋 Nobody Listens 15
▶️ 📋 Parallel 15
▶️ 📋 Pity The Dead 15
▶️ 📋 Spirit Shine 15
▶️ 📋 Them And Us 15
▶️ 📋 Walk 15
14 ▶️ 📋 Drunk Sincerity 14
▶️ 📋 In Their Hearts Is Right 14
▶️ 📋 Victory 14
15 ▶️ 📋 Cease 13
▶️ 📋 Come Join Us 13
16 ▶️ 📋 Dept. Of False Hope 11
▶️ 📋 Faith Alone 11
17 ▶️ 📋 All Fantastic Images 9
▶️ 📋 Hear It 9
▶️ 📋 Land Of Endless Greed 9
▶️ 📋 Mediocre Minds 9
▶️ 📋 No Substance 9
▶️ 📋 Shades Of Truth 9
▶️ 📋 Sowing The Seeds Of Utopia 9
▶️ 📋 The Biggest Killer In American History 9
▶️ 📋 The Hippy Killers 9
▶️ 📋 The State Of The End Of The Millennium Address 9
▶️ 📋 The Voracious March Of Godliness 9
18 ▶️ 📋 Chaos From Within 8
▶️ 📋 Do The Paranoid Style 8
▶️ 📋 Faces Of Grief 8
▶️ 📋 Faith Alone 2020 8
▶️ 📋 My Sanity 8
▶️ 📋 Victims Of The Revolution 8
19 ▶️ 📋 Age Of Unreason 7
▶️ 📋 At The Mercy Of Imbeciles 7
▶️ 📋 Big Black Dog 7
▶️ 📋 Candidate 7
▶️ 📋 End Of History 7
▶️ 📋 In So Many Ways 7
▶️ 📋 Lose Your Head 7
▶️ 📋 Old Regime 7
▶️ 📋 Robin Hood In Reverse 7
▶️ 📋 Strange Denial 7
▶️ 📋 The Approach 7
▶️ 📋 The Same Person 7
▶️ 📋 True North 7
20 ▶️ 📋 Crisis Time 6
▶️ 📋 Dharma And The Bomb 6
▶️ 📋 Downfall 6
▶️ 📋 Fuck You 6
▶️ 📋 Hello Cruel World 6
▶️ 📋 Nothing To Dismay 6
▶️ 📋 Past Is Dead 6
▶️ 📋 Since Now 6
▶️ 📋 Vanity 6
▶️ 📋 What Tomorrow Brings 6

1Tracks are aggregated by artist and track name which means that potentially different versions of a track on different albums are counted together. A track must have been played at least 2 times to appear.
2Compilations are excluded.

Albums by or with Bad Religion