Top 10 Tracks overall1, 2
Include tracks from compilations
Rank | Artist | Name | Number of times played |
1 | Die Ärzte | ▶️ 📋 Himmelblau | 192 |
2 | Queen | ▶️ 📋 I Want It All | 169 |
3 | Queen | ▶️ 📋 We Will Rock You | 156 |
4 | Die Ärzte | ▶️ 📋 Schrei nach Liebe | 155 |
5 | Die Ärzte | ▶️ 📋 Junge | 146 |
6 | Die Ärzte | ▶️ 📋 Mach die Augen zu | 144 |
7 | Motörhead | ▶️ 📋 Metropolis | 141 |
8 | Motörhead | ▶️ 📋 Overkill | 137 |
9 | Queen | ▶️ 📋 Under Pressure | 131 |
10 | Guns n' Roses | ▶️ 📋 Sweet Child O' Mine | 130 |
Queen | ▶️ 📋 Another One Bites The Dust | 130 |
Top 10 Albums overall2
Rank | Artist | Name |
1 | Die Ärzte | ▶️ Jazz ist anders |
2 | Die Ärzte | ▶️ 5, 6, 7, 8 - Bullenstaat! |
3 | Die Ärzte | ▶️ Die Bestie in Menschengestalt |
4 | Queen | ▶️ The Miracle |
5 | Antilopen Gang | ▶️ Anarchie und Alltag |
6 | Die Toten Hosen | ▶️ Ballast der Republik |
7 | Queen | ▶️ Innuendo |
8 | Farin Urlaub Racing Team | ▶️ Die Wahrheit übers Lügen |
9 | Die Ärzte | ▶️ 13 |
10 | Die Ärzte | ▶️ Runter mit den Spendierhosen, Unsichtbarer! |
Top 10 Artists overall2
Rank | Artist |
1 | Die Ärzte |
2 | Queen |
3 | Die Toten Hosen |
4 | Motörhead |
5 | Metallica |
6 | Antilopen Gang |
7 | Guns n' Roses |
8 | Black Sabbath |
9 | Farin Urlaub Racing Team |
10 | Bela B. |
Top 10 artists per year in the last decade2, 3
1Tracks are aggregated by artist and track name which means that potentially different versions of a track on different albums are counted together. A track must have been played at least 2 times to appear.
2Compilations are excluded.
3Shown are the top 10 artists per decade. An entry is considered new in a year when it didn't make that rank in the previous year.