Top 20 Tracks by Bela B.1
Exclude tracks from compilations
Rank | Name | Number of times played |
1 | ▶️ 📋 Tag mit Schutzumschlag | 104 |
2 | ▶️ 📋 Gitarre runter | 73 |
3 | ▶️ 📋 Bombe tickt | 63 |
4 | ▶️ 📋 Ninjababypowpow [feat. Chris Spedding] | 62 |
5 | ▶️ 📋 1. 2. 3. ... [feat. Charlotte Roche] | 60 |
6 | ▶️ 📋 Lee Hazlewood & Das erste Lied des Tages [feat. Lee Hazlewood] | 58 |
7 | ▶️ 📋 Schwarz / Weiss [mit Marcel Eger] | 57 |
8 | ▶️ 📋 Altes Arschloch Liebe | 54 |
9 | ▶️ 📋 Irgendetwas bleibt | 48 |
▶️ 📋 Letzter Tag | 48 | |
▶️ 📋 Sie hat was vermisst | 48 | |
10 | ▶️ 📋 Deutsche kauft nicht bei Nazis | 47 |
11 | ▶️ 📋 Chocolate For The Tears [feat. Diane Lemonbaby] | 46 |
▶️ 📋 Leave [Acoustic Version feat. Lula] | 46 | |
12 | ▶️ 📋 Der Vampir mit dem Colt | 42 |
13 | ▶️ 📋 Wiehr thind Sssuper | 41 |
14 | ▶️ 📋 Abserviert | 38 |
▶️ 📋 Hab keine Angst [feat. Lula] | 38 | |
15 | ▶️ 📋 Traumfrau | 33 |
16 | ▶️ 📋 ZappingsonG | 32 |
17 | ▶️ 📋 B-Vertüre | 31 |
18 | ▶️ 📋 Immer so sein | 30 |
▶️ 📋 Was ist nur los...? | 30 | |
19 | ▶️ 📋 Dein Schlaflied | 29 |
▶️ 📋 Versuchs doch mal mit mir | 29 | |
20 | ▶️ 📋 Streichholzmann | 27 |
▶️ 📋 Teufelsküche | 27 |
1Tracks are aggregated by artist and track name which means that potentially different versions of a track on different albums are counted together. A track must have been played at least 2 times to appear.
2Compilations are excluded.
Related artists
Albums by or with Bela B.
- Genschman (1989) with Scheel
- Grönemeyer kann nicht tanzen (1989) with Wiglaf Droste
- Obsession (Original Soundtrack) (1997)
- This Girl Was Made For Loving (1997)
- Kaliber Deluxe (2000)
- Alpha Motherfuckers (2001)
- Candy (2002) with Killer Barbies
- You'll Never Walk Alone [feat. The Tikiwolves & Gary 'o' Wolf] (2002)
- Tanzverbot (2003) with Fettes Brot
- 1. 2. 3. ... (2006)
- 2006/07/27 Live bei Kuttner (2006)
- Bingo (2006)
- Deutsche kauft nicht bei Nazis (2006)
- Rock am Ring 2006: Bela B. y Los Helmstedt (2006)
- Sie hat was vermisst (2006)
- Tag mit Schutzumschlag (2006)
- Der Graf vs. Horrorpunks (2007)
- Gitarre runter (2007)
- Kaputt (2007) with Wir sind Helden
- Mega Pop Stars 2 (2007)
- Hölle (2008) with K.I.Z.
- Altes Arschloch Liebe (2009)
- Cover Collection (2009) with C.I.A. & Co.KG, Götz Alsmann
- Doktorspiele (2009) with Fettes Brot, PVC, The Waltons
- Rockula (2009)
- Schwarz / Weiss (2009)
- Schwarz / Weiss EP (2009)
- code b (2009)
- In diesem Leben [feat. Chris Spedding] (2010)
- Tag für Sieger (2010)
- Glanz & Gloria (2012) with Alexander Marcus
- Im Klub (2013)
- Man spricht Deutsch (2013) with Callejon
- Abserviert (2014)
- Bye (2014)
- Immer so sein (2014)
- Streichholzmann (2014)
- Der Dreck von Indian Creek (2016)
- Sartana - Noch warm und schon Sand drauf (2016) with Bela B. & Rainer Brandt
- Unter meinem Bett 2 (2016)
- 10 Jahre Electrolore - Das ultimative Album (2017) with Alexander Marcus
- Bastard (2017)
- Einer bleibt liegen (2017)
- Wüste Lieder (2017) with The Twang
- Zuhaus (2017)
- Seitenhirsch (2018) with Bela B. & Jan