Top 20 Tracks by Farin Urlaub Racing Team1

Exclude tracks from compilations

Rank Name Number of times played
1 ▶️ 📋 Pakistan 110
2 ▶️ 📋 Niemals 96
3 ▶️ 📋 Karten 84
4 ▶️ 📋 Insel 75
5 ▶️ 📋 Worte fehlen 70
6 ▶️ 📋 Zu Heiss 65
7 ▶️ 📋 iDisco 64
8 ▶️ 📋 I.F.D.G. 59
9 ▶️ 📋 Nichimgriff 55
▶️ 📋 Trotzdem 55
10 ▶️ 📋 Krieg 53
▶️ 📋 Unscharf 53
11 ▶️ 📋 Die Leiche 51
12 ▶️ 📋 AWG 47
13 ▶️ 📋 Gobi Todič 45
14 ▶️ 📋 Atem 44
15 ▶️ 📋 Herz? Verloren 43
▶️ 📋 Monster 43
16 ▶️ 📋 Zehn 42
17 ▶️ 📋 Seltsam 41
18 ▶️ 📋 Am Strand 30
▶️ 📋 Immer dabei 30
▶️ 📋 Was die Welt jetzt braucht 30
19 ▶️ 📋 Der ziemlich okaye Popsong 29
▶️ 📋 Heute Tanzen 29
▶️ 📋 Newton hatte Recht 29
20 ▶️ 📋 3000 28
▶️ 📋 Augenblick 28
▶️ 📋 Dynamit 28

1Tracks are aggregated by artist and track name which means that potentially different versions of a track on different albums are counted together. A track must have been played at least 2 times to appear.
2Compilations are excluded.

Albums by or with Farin Urlaub Racing Team