Top 20 Tracks by Wizo1, 2

Include tracks from compilations

Rank Name Number of times played
1 ▶️ 📋 Ganz klar gegen Nazis 13
2 ▶️ 📋 Unpoliddisch 11
3 ▶️ 📋 Wenn ich mal sterb' 8
4 ▶️ 📋 Seegurke 7
5 ▶️ 📋 Alles verschwimmt 5
▶️ 📋 Kein Empfang 5
▶️ 📋 Kohlenholen 5
▶️ 📋 Kriminell & Asozial 5
▶️ 📋 Königin 5
▶️ 📋 Scheissefresser 5
▶️ 📋 Scheissekotzen 5
▶️ 📋 Wie soll's gehen 5
6 ▶️ 📋 Dummensch 4
▶️ 📋 Endzweit 4
▶️ 📋 Erwin 4
▶️ 📋 Meine Wut 4
▶️ 📋 Pförtner 4
▶️ 📋 Pinöpel 4
▶️ 📋 Schlechte Zeit 4
▶️ 📋 Zombiemann 4
7 ▶️ 📋 Alte Herren 3

1Tracks are aggregated by artist and track name which means that potentially different versions of a track on different albums are counted together. A track must have been played at least 2 times to appear.
2Compilations are excluded.

Albums by or with Wizo