Top 20 Tracks by Die Ärzte1

Exclude tracks from compilations

Rank Name Number of times played
1 ▶️ 📋 Himmelblau 189
2 ▶️ 📋 Schrei nach Liebe 174
3 ▶️ 📋 Mach die Augen zu 155
4 ▶️ 📋 Junge 145
5 ▶️ 📋 Kopfüber in die Hölle 139
6 ▶️ 📋 Rebell 118
7 ▶️ 📋 1/2 Lovesong 117
8 ▶️ 📋 Für uns 113
9 ▶️ 📋 Living Hell 111
10 ▶️ 📋 Allein 110
▶️ 📋 Ignorama 110
11 ▶️ 📋 Lied vom Scheitern 109
12 ▶️ 📋 Lasse redn 107
13 ▶️ 📋 Nichts in der Welt 104
14 ▶️ 📋 Friedenspanzer 99
15 ▶️ 📋 Vorbei ist vorbei 93
16 ▶️ 📋 Wie es geht 92
17 ▶️ 📋 Manchmal haben Frauen... 88
▶️ 📋 Nur einen Kuss 88
18 ▶️ 📋 Der Graf 86
▶️ 📋 Heulerei 86
▶️ 📋 Perfekt 86
▶️ 📋 Sohn der Leere 86
19 ▶️ 📋 Deine Schuld 84
20 ▶️ 📋 Licht am Ende des Sarges 83

1Tracks are aggregated by artist and track name which means that potentially different versions of a track on different albums are counted together. A track must have been played at least 2 times to appear.
2Compilations are excluded.

Albums by or with Die Ärzte